Dental crowns can be made out of many different materials, and many times, what you get can be your choice! Knowing what options are available means you can make the most informed decision possible. Here at Dental Center of Mesa, we wanted to create a list of the possibilities so you can weigh your options, and decide what is best for your smile!
Types of dental crowns:
Stainless Steel: Typically, stainless steel crowns are only used as the buffer in between the time the dentist needs to create a crown and a solution is inserted.
Metals: Usually colored gold, metal crowns might not be the best choice for those wanting their smile to seem inconspicuous. However, metal is extremely durable, and less tooth needs to be removed with a metal crown than with others.
Porcelain & Metal: When you see someone with a silver lining around the base of their tooth, that person has a porcelain and metal crown. Porcelain is a great option for those people who don’t want a noticeable difference in their smile, as porcelain can be matched to the color of your teeth. However, this option could be damaging to your opposing teeth more so than other materials.
Ceramic: If an unnoticeable solution is your primary objective when it comes to picking a crown, ceramic is a great option for you. Ceramic is an inconspicuous crown that can match the color of your other teeth, and is a great solution for those who might have a metal intolerance.
Looking to speak to an expert about which crown might be best for you? Give Dental Center of Mesa a call at (480) 834-9001 schedule a consultation today!