Yes, you read that right. There are benefits to purchasing the gum packs you see while exiting the grocery store, as long as they are sugar free! Turns out the minty stickys are good for more than just keeping your breath fresh – they also aid in protecting your dental health as well. Here’s how:
When you chew gum, the chewing movement is a catalyst for saliva production, and with saliva production comes the washing away of acids and sugars that build up on your teeth during the day. You are at much less risk of cavities and other dental issues when these problem factors aren’t sitting on the surface of your enamel for long.
Now you might be thinking, if the reason gum chewing is good for me is because of saliva production, then why does it matter if my gum is sugar-free? Well, since the purpose of chewing gum for oral health is to remove the sugar from your teeth, adding more into the mix in your gum is counterintuitive.
Gum also can aid in fixing your bad breath. For many people, it may seem like no matter what they try or how often they brush, they’re bad breath persist throughout the day. Making sure that you have sugar-free gum handy at all times can help you fight back against this problem. With sugar-free flavors like mint or cinnamon, you are sure to have not only minty fresh breath, but cleaner teeth throughout the day as well.
Nothing will prevent cavities and keep your smile minty fresh like brushing & flossing will – however, with a little help from gum, you’re teeth will have a little additional help fighting off bacteria and plaque.Have questions about how brushing your teeth could benefit you? Give Dental Center of Mesa a call at (480) 834-9001 to speak to us today!