They say that the best form of prevention is early detection. This saying rings true through for all doctors in all fields – but especially in dentistry. With regular oral exams, your doctor can not only detect, but potentially protect you from various ailments. Here are the dental issues your dentist can spot, and treat, with regular oral care screenings.
Regardless of how well you watch what you eat, sugar is secretly in many foods. Sugar that rests on the surface of your tooth creates a bacteria that erodes it – creating a cavity. Cavities are elusive in the sense that there are very rarely any warning signs, and many times patients won’t feel any discomfort or pain until after the tooth has begun decaying. Seeing a doctor regularly ensures that your teeth are properly cleaned and cared for, before the danger of cavities can wreak havoc on your tooth
Gum Disease
When plaque and tartar build up over time, the gums surrounding your teeth become inflamed and infected due to these dangerous agents. This infection can lead to your gums pulling away from your teeth, which then results in teeth falling out & damage to the bones holding your teeth in place. Taking care of your gums is detrimental to your overall health, and seeing a dentist frequently can not only save you from these consequences, but save you thousands of dollars in dental repair costs as well.
Oral Cancer
It is no secret that cancer can present itself in many ways, and this is no different when it comes to oral cancer. This is an extremely serious disease that almost 50,000 people in the U.S. alone will be diagnosed with this year – with many of those people not knowing what the early signs of oral cancer can be. Luckily, your dentist does, and can be your first line of detection & prevention – IF you see them regularly.
Here at Dental Center of Mesa, we know how vital early detection of these ailments can be to your oral and overall health. It might seem like a minor infraction to miss your reglar dental check ups, but the risk is not worth taking chances on. Take care of your oral health, and your oral heath will help take care of you!
Looking to speak to a dental professional today about oral care screenings? Give us a call today at (480) 834-9001 to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists.