When your children lose their baby teeth, it then becomes exciting to wait for / see their adult ones grow in. But what happens if you start noticing a tooth that seems supernumerary, one that doesn’t seem like it belongs in the position it’s in? Your child may have a mesioden. Here’s what that means for your child:
By definition, a mesioden is an extra tooth that typically grows in between a child’s central incisors – also know as their two front teeth. Although the consensus is still out as to why mesiodentes form, it is widely assumed that it’s due to hyperactivity of the tissues that create teeth. Mesiodentes also can be genetic. If a parent had one of these extra teeth, it wouldn’t be surprising that their child experienced a mesioden as well.
Besides the aesthetic factor, and extra tooth can be undesirable for other reasons as well. A mesioden can cause damage to your entire mouth.
Having mesiodentes can really effect the surrounding teeth. These extra formations are the number one reason your two front teeth have problems coming in, and can cause the delay or failure of the surrounding growth. Furthermore, the surrounding teeth tend to become displaced or rotated, creating the need for further dental work down the line.
Mesiodentes can also create abnormalities with the root of the teeth. When an extra tooth is present, the root formation of your children’s two front teeth can become damaged. This can cause the extra tooth to erupt in and abnormal position – including the nasal cavity or your child’s palette.
When your child is young, it is pertinent to visit the dentist regularly, to be able to spot situations and problems like mesiodentes. Extractions are simple, and can help ensure your child will have better dental health moving forward. Looking for a great dental practice to help your child learn the importance of dental health? Give Dental Center of Mesa a call today at (480) 834-9001!